International Clan Rally
Sept 21-23rd, 2018
Venue : Bru Boru Cultural Centre
Rock Lane, Cashel
Co. Tipperary, Ireland
Tel: +353 62 61122
of Activities
Fri 6pm onwards
Registration and informal social gathering
Sat 8am
Registration (contd)
Sat 9:30am
The O’Dwyer Clan Chiefs – an introduction
Tom O’Dwyer, Clan Chairman
Keynote: The O’Dwyer Clan Chiefs – the hunt
for their descendants
Prof. Deirdre Hunt
DNA testing update
Padraig O’Duibhir,
Clan secretary
Set 12:30-1:30
Sat 1:30pm
Bus tour of
the historic sites, with emphasis on places of interest to the O’Dwyer
Clan, including
Holycross Abbey, believed
to be the ancient burial ground of the chiefs.
Dundrum House, seat of
Philip O’Dwyer, the last chief
Killenure Castle
Sat 7pm
Open clan dinner
with musical entertainment
Sun morning
Networking Opportunity
and close